Our full credit courses are comprehensive and immersive, offering you an in-depth study of a specific subject over the course of a full semester. Led by experienced faculty members, these courses provide you with a solid foundation and a thorough understanding of the subject matter. By enrolling in a full credit course, you have the opportunity to engage in extensive discussions, participate in hands-on projects, and develop a deep expertise in your chosen field.
Our value addition courses are designed to provide you with additional knowledge and skills in a shorter time frame. These courses are perfect for students who want to acquire specific skills or explore a new area of interest without committing to a full semester. Whether you’re looking to learn a new language, develop your leadership abilities, or enhance your digital marketing skills, our value addition courses offer a condensed and focused learning experience, allowing you to gain valuable expertise efficiently.
Our open elective courses offer you the freedom to explore diverse subjects beyond your major field of study. These courses are designed to broaden your intellectual horizons, foster interdisciplinary thinking, and encourage you to pursue your passions. Whether you’re interested in art history, environmental science, philosophy, or entrepreneurship, our open elective courses provide a wide range of options to satisfy your curiosity and enable you to discover new interests.

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